Monday, March 8th I woke up with contractions and they were regular enough and strong enough that we went to the hospital. Unfortunately, once we got there they stopped and we were sent home. My contractions never fully went away, but when DH and I were watching the Av's game they started to hurt worse. I refused to time them because I was afraid that they weren't regular, meaning nothing was happening and I was also afraid that they were regular, meaning I would get my hopes up again.
After the game I went to take a shower. I had already taken two baths that day, but I needed to wash my hair. I had a few contractions in the shower, but they weren't too bad, the water helps a lot. I got out and go online for a little bit. I broke down and timed 3 contractions - they were 6 minutes apart. DH said I should come to bed and try to sleep. I was hoping that I would just be able to sleep through them, but no luck. They were still coming every 6 minutes and a few of them I had to get out of bed and rock through. I tried a heating pad and that helped a little, but these weren't backing down.
I called the Dr and told him what was going on. I said that I had just been to the hospital and didn't want to come again if this wasn't the real thing. He said with my past c-section I should definitely come in if they were about 5 minutes apart. Another reason I was hesitant to go in was that we would have to call our friends and ask one of them to come spend the night. It was about 1:30 when DH finally convinced me that we had to go in. Some of my contractions were 3 minutes apart.
I called over to a friend's house and her husband answered (after the third try). He said he would come on over and then bring DS1 to his house in the morning. I looked in at DS1 (a few months shy of 2) before we left and he was the most angelic thing I have ever seen. We left the house about 2:00 and got to the hospital at 2:30. My contractions had slowed down to 7 minutes apart once we got in the car, but they still hurt.
The main entrance to the hospital was closed, so we had to go in through the ER. They made me get in a wheel chair and took me up to L&D. They gave us a room and put me on the monitors. The contractions were about every 6 to 7 minutes. The nurse checked me and said that I was 4cm and 70%, so I had made some progress. My contractions weren't close enough for them to admit me yet, so they made us walk for a half hour. As soon as we started walking, they would come every TWO minutes! And every other one hurt! I would have to stop and rock and DH would rub my back. I said that there was NO WAY that they were sending me home! I couldn't handle these pains for the next three days until my induction. {While in my head I knew that my best bet for a vbac was to go into labor on my own, we were concerned that I would have another big baby and thus end up with another c-section. We had decided to let the Dr break my water to start labor, but I'm glad it didn't come to that.}
We went back to the room and I was checked again. I was a little bit more effaced. My contractions once I got on the monitor slowed down to 6 minutes again. The nurse said that "real labor" wouldn't slow down. I was in a lot of pain while I was being monitored, I couldn't move, all I could do was squeeze DH's hands and cry. The nurse offered me pain meds or the tub. I chose to get in the tub because I knew that water helps it not hurt so bad. That was about 4:00.
Once I got in the tub the contractions were about every 3 to 5 minutes apart. They still hurt, but they were bearable with the hot water and I wasn't crying through them anymore. After about a half hour we decided to get out and talk to the Dr. We weren't too happy with this nurse and we wanted to see what our options were, because going home was NOT one of them!
We got out and she checked me and said, "we'll keep you." I could've kissed her! I had progressed to 5 cm and 100%. I was on the monitors again and this time my contractions didn't slow down. They hurt like hell and I was crying through them. One was so bad that I started hyperventilating when I was trying to breathe and my face got all tingly. That scared me and I was crying harder, which made it even more difficult to breathe. DH was doing all he could, rubbing my back and holding my hands.
I asked the nurse how long I had to stay in bed and she asked if I wanted my epidural - YES!!!! I had to get my IV fluids in first and they took some blood, but by 5:15 I was getting the drugs. The anesthesiologist was a very nice guy and took time to explain what was going on. He was able to do it between contractions. He did a spinal and then hooked the epi up. I had a button that I could push to add more meds if I needed them.
I felt MUCH better after the drugs and I was able to relax. I called my mom to let her know today was the day so that she could be prepared. The IV antibiotics were burning my arm and so the nurse came in and applied a hot pack. She seemed nicer now that we were actually admitted. Before she seemed annoyed with us.
At 6:10 I felt a little gush and told the nurse that I thought my water broke. She checked my pad and said that it appeared that way. We were hoping that would make my labor go even faster. I also asked for some Benadryl because the epidural made me itch like crazy!
I was checked again at 8:20. This time I had a new nurse (Caroline) and another nurse that was a student and they asked if she could observe. I didn't care. Anyway, Caroline checked me and said I was a 6 and 100% effaced and that DS2 was at 0 station. She also said that there was a bulging bag of water that was cushioning my cervix from the baby's head. Apparently, my water was just leaking.
The Dr came in at 8:35 and finished breaking my water. He said the fluid was clear, so that was good. I never had an appt with this Dr, but I was very pleased with him.
At 9:03 my contractions were steady at 3 minutes apart, I could feel some pressure, but no pain. I was in heaven! I was due for more antibiotics at 9:15 and I told the nurse that I still didn't have a catheter in (opps!). She asked if the student nurse could insert it and I said, "Sure, I can't feel anything anyway. " They had to lean me back to do it and I threw up almost immediately. She said that was probably due to my blood pressure going down so they put me on my side.
My back was hurting me and I was starting to feel the contractions more so I pressed the epi button. I didn't want to do too much because I wanted to be able to push well, but I also didn't want to be in pain.
At 10:10 the nurse's checked me and I was 9 cm and +1 station. My mom showed up around this time and we were all very excited waiting for DS2 to come! I asked them to check me again at 11:25. I wasn't feeling the urge to push, but I was ready to get the show on the road! I was complete and baby was a little lower than +1. Caroline asked if we were ready to push and DH said, "YES!"

I started pushing at 11:30. He started descending with the first try; so we were pretty positive that he was going come out the good old-fashioned way! Mom took some action shots of me pushing (from the side). I asked for a mirror and when we could see the head, I asked if I could touch it. It was very soft and squishy I was thinking it would feel hard, like bone. DH said that it was really small and the nurse laughed and told him that that was only part of it. It didn't take long before she broke down the bed and called for the Dr and some help. I asked her what kind of help and she said for once the baby was born to clean him, etc. that nothing was wrong.
I pushed a few times with the Dr and the head came out, he actually told me that I was pushing too good and to just give him little pushes. DH asked if babies ever cry with just their heads out and the Dr told him that they couldn't because they couldn't get any air in their lungs yet, but that sometimes they squeak. I already knew that, but I had to kind of laugh inside. I gave a little push to get the shoulders out and then the Dr told me to look down and I helped place him on me. He was born at 12:21pm; I pushed for just over 45 minutes!
Dr said the cord was a little short, so he had DH cut it (which I didn't think he would) and then they put DS2 up on my chest. He was so quiet and alert, barely made a peep. I counted his fingers and toes, just to make sure. He has long slender fingers. We rubbed him off and then I tired to nurse him. Took us a while to get him to latch on, but we finally succeeded.
I studied his face and noted that he has my nose. I think he has the same lips as DS1, but other than that they don't look much alike. After a while the nurses took him to evaluate him and give him his first bath. They did all this right there in the room next to me. He weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. His head measured 13.25 inches - DS1's was 14, I guess .75 really does make a difference. DS2 barely peeped while they were examining him. He did cry a bit when they gave him the Vit K shot, but he calmed down really quick. He is precious and perfect.
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