P started having contractions Saturday afternoon. We walked around the mall and then came home to take naps. P woke up and I massaged her hands and ankles, trying to find the acupressure point that would make her baby come out. :p She got up to go potty and then walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later (4:23 to be exact) I heard "Ummmm, I either peed my pants, or...." Zonino! This is it! There's no turning back once the water breaks. It wasn't a whole lot, but I told her to stay in the kitchen in case it burst big. lol
She felt the trickle a couple more times and was having some mild contractions that we chose not to time because it was still too early. She made lactation cookies while I got some red raspberry tea steeping and then we got the herbal bath prepared. D woke up while we were in the process of this and when we told him that P's water broke he said "great! I'll get my shoes on and let's go!" lol We put him to work feeding R, gathering stuff for the hospital bags, and making a list of R tips for her Grandma.
We had started timing contractions about 5:45 and they were coming every 2-3 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds at this point. I rethreaded P's birth necklace and she read the blessings as she had a little snack of string cheese, an orange and some vitamin water. Why we didn't think to actually eat dinner is beyond me!
We got put in Triage 2 and Amy was the nurse. After a good 20 minute strip (thankfully, the combo of moaning, affirmations and magic fingers on P's legs made the contractions bearable on the bed), Amy checked P and said she was 3cm 70% effaced and -2 station (which means baby's head was 2 cms above the pelvic bone). Amy got P officially admitted.
P was allowed 1 hour to labor on her own before they had to hook her up to the monitors again. Brooke asked me to let her know if P felt any pushing pressure, but other than that she left us alone. The contractions were getting much more intense and I was spewing a steady stream of "bicycling up a steep hill" visualizations while either D or I applied counter-pressure on P's back with two tennis balls in a sock. P was doing great with her low moans. I tried a few "blowing water into a pool" visualizations, but they were just so-so. We hooked P's music up to the stereo and she did some swaying, then we moved into the bathroom where she labored backwards on the toilet a little.
P was great about giving us feedback between contractions. "that was a good visualization", "counting doesn't help this time", "try this", etc. If she needed something she would squeak out a "back!" and if we were in the wrong spot or she didn't want something she would shake her head or swat us away. I told her that "please and thank you were implied during labor." lol
It was obvious that P needed more help getting through, so I suggested putting the birth ball in the shower and running the water on her back. Good idea in theory, but the water was shooting out of the shower head like needles and that wasn't helping at all. We abandoned the birth ball after one contraction and got P settled into the tub about 9:00.
P liked to have the water on continuously and we kept the jets on the whole time. D was in charge of keeping the water at a good temperature and letting the water out when it got too high. We encouraged P to take little sips of water and she ate one of her honey sticks.
Minutes later Brooke came in and said it was time for 20 minutes of monitoring. Brooke was fine about P laboring on her hands and knees on the bed as long as she could get a good reactive tracing on the baby. She made it through a few multi-peeked contractions on the bed and then her legs couldn't take it anymore.
We had to unhook her for a second to go potty and when Brooke came back about 9:30 to get the monitors plugged in the right way we had her check her progress. 3-4 cm, -1 station. I could NOT believe it! I knew she would've taken the epidural right then and there if D or I had suggested it, but she had wanted to get to 6cm, so I just kept promising her the tub as soon as her monitoring was over.
Back in the tub at 9:35 and while that helped, it wasn't helping enough. Previously, in the tub it really helped to have me splash the water up onto her belly during contractions, but now it was making her a little seasick. I thought I was lying when I told P that it had only been an hour and that 1cm is good progress for an hour, but when I looked at my clock I realized that it had really only been an hour and a half. The progress was good, but the pain wasn't!
I told P her options and asked her to really think if she wanted to do natural or not and she said I WANT IT NOW!! lol I asked Brooke if the IV could be done in the tub and she was cool with that. She got that started at 10:00. I had her walk us through the next steps, IV in tub, get out, get monitors and BP cuff on, take temp, but no need to endure monitoring before epi, they just had to have her all hooked up before the drug Dr (Dr G) would come in.
P realized that she was too far on her back, so she knelt sideways in the tub. This seemed to help her back a little. Brooke came in to apply a pressure cuff to the saline to make it go faster because Dr G was raring to go. We got P out of the tub and I made her take off her wet bra before putting her in a gown. She complained, but was happy about it later. The contractions were making her nauseous and she was given a tiny little barf bucket. She escaped having to use it though. At least for now.
The epidural was in by 10:35 and P was out of her misery. As the BP cuff went off P said "Ahhh, the BP cuff is my friend!" lol Brooke put a catheter in P and then checked her about 20 minutes after the epidural. She was pronounced 5-6cm, 100% effaced and 0 station. She did it! She met her goal!
Baby E got the hiccups and we all thought that was fun to hear on the monitor. Just before midnight, we tried to settle in for a long winter's nap, but we weren't having very much luck. D and I amused ourselves by texting each other so we wouldn't disturb P. We decided that the Epi pump sounded like someone was taking pictures with a film camera, the BP cuff sounded like someone being buzzed into an apt and the baby's heart beat sounded like Pac Man. lol
P would occasionally ask for her back to be scratched or some ice chips. We faded off again, just to be annoyed with an incessant beeping. D paged the nurse and it turns out the baby's heart rate wasn't being traced and it was alerting us. I'm not sure why we could still hear the HB if it wasn't being traced, but at least she got it to shut up.
We were fading off again (see a pattern here?) when P announced that she was hungry. You know, now that the other things weren't there to bother her. lol Why didn't we feed her dinner?? Why didn't ANY of us eat dinner??
Brooke came in shortly after that at 12:35 to check P's progress. 9 cm!! She put a big peanut shaped ball between P's legs to keep her hips open and let the baby get lower in the pelvis. D went to get some food from the cafeteria around 1:00 before it closed and then gave up trying to get comfy in a chair and made a bed on the floor out of one cushion from the window seat, a pillow, and some sweat shirts. I'm sure he was uber comfy. Not.
Brooke came back in to check P at 2:00 she was completely dilated, but still a little high. She checked again at 2:37 and E had moved to +1 station. She came back in at 3:00 and E was at +2 station. Time for some "practice" pushes!!
It wasn't too long before we were able to see E's head with her dark curly hair! Brooke brought the mirror and P was able to see the head, but couldn't really tell if the baby was moving down. P pushed and pushed and pushed. E's heart rate was a little high, so Brooke called Dr W. She said that with him here he could help the baby out if need be. That was maybe 4:00. He said to keep pushing to call him back if it stayed up or when it was time to deliver the baby. Shortly after she told us that he must not have been able to fall back to sleep because he was at the hospital, ready when we were. D's job was to move the oxygen out of P's way when she was pushing and put it back when she was done.
At some point, P got sick and managed to aim her spew into the tiny barf bucket. I caught myself saying "good job, P, get it all out." lol We took turns holding her legs and telling her when the baby was moving. The lower the baby got, the easier it was for P to push. She'd ask for ice chips occasionally, but never really wanted a cold wash cloth (which I thought was weird because I loved them!) I was so excited to be able to watch as P would push and you could see E moving. I asked her if she wanted to touch the head and she declined.
She was covered in vernix and took just a few seconds to cry. She had a very mild cry and was perfectly content to lay on her mommy's chest. ♥ Her official time of birth was 5:08am. D cut the cord right away and the Dr went to work delivering the placenta and sewing up a small tear.
P counted E's fingers and had D count her toes and then I asked if anyone had verified that she was a girl. "Not me" echoed around the room. So D did the honors and girl she is indeed. Her Apgars were 8 and 9, perfect little girl! When Dr W was done sewing her up, he put the placenta on the tray and brought it over to show us. It was really cool to see the sac and umbilical cord and we were all surprised by how lumpy it was on the side that was attached to P. It was smaller in diameter but thicker than I had imagined.
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Arrrr Matey! |
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