Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, DS4!

This is the final fourth installment of my boys' birth stories. It's another long one and if you're not comfortable with a little TMI, you might want to skip. This was my 3rd vbac, and I was bound and determined to do it natural this time! My sister was once again going to be my (lay) doula/photographer, and my other boys were 6, 4, and 2 at the time. DS4 was due on the 19th and by the time I went into labor I had been dealing with 3 weeks of prodromal labor.

Preface - Thursday night my contractions starting coming back at regular intervals around 8:00. We got the kids to bed and I finished up a bit of work that was so close to being finished I didn't see the point in making it wait until my maternity leave was over. DS1 had complained that his tummy was hurting like he needed to throw up before he went to bed, but he wasn't acting sick or like he was going to throw up. "Just in case" I gave him a bowl and a Children's Mylanta. I got in the tub about 11:00, still having contractions but just visualizing and riding them out. Got out and was getting ready for bed when Chris went to check on the boys sleeping in the playroom (because Grandma (who would be watching the boys while I was in labor) was in their room) and discovered that DS1 threw up in his sleep. He managed not to roll over in it, but we had to wash his sleeping bag and pillow case and the floor and part of the drawers. We went to bed about midnight and I woke up once or twice to pee, a couple times with contractions and once when DS3 woke up... all before 2:00.

I woke up at 2:00 am on the 6th with contractions that were coming very close together and that were way more intense than previous contractions. I got in the tub and was there for maybe 20 minutes before I knew that my tub wasn't going to cut it. I panicked a little bit because I needed Chris but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the contractions on dry land. A couple minutes later he came into the bathroom to empty a bowl that DS1 had thrown up into. While I was so sad that DS1 was sick, I was very relieved that Chris had come into the bathroom!

I told him that either these contractions had to stop or we needed to head to the hospital. I started crying because I was excited to REALLY be in labor, I was so happy Chris came in (he has NEVER come in while I was in the tub before), and I was upset that it was bad timing because DS1 was sick and DS3 was awake. I asked Chris to give me another blessing of comfort. He said something about the baby coming and said that all the boys would be fine while we were gone. I had Chris bring me my bag so I could get ready and had him load up the car - I wasn't going to get out of the tub until I had too. True to my uterus, the contractions slowed down once I made the decision to go. I sat there for a minute wondering if we really should go and had another contraction that confirmed that *my* tub was not the place to be.

I put on my birth top and nursing gown/robe (already had on my necklace) and called the after-hours answering service for the midwives. Told them I was in labor and heading in. She asked what number the midwife could call me back on and I told here I would be at the hospital before she could call me back. lol Got in the car and after calling 4 numbers finally got a hold of Mom and she said her and Deb would come on over. I was still having contractions that I was able to "blow through" (I would blow out and imagine myself blowing ripples into water to symbolize my cervix dilating) but they had slowed down since I was in the tub. Fortunately, I knew this was normal for me. Chris pulled up to the Emergency Entrance and got someone to get a wheel chair. He helped me in it and then went to park the car and get my bags.

We went right up to L&D and straight in to room LD5. I got up on the bed and took off my robe and gown. A nurse checked me (4cm, 80% effaced), drew blood, got a hep-lock in and put me on the monitors. They had to ask the annoying admissions questions (but at least this time they were kind enough not to ask during contractions). They asked me if I wanted to get my tubes tied - I never remember them asking that before. Maybe they thought 4 kids was enough? I kept telling them I needed to get in the tub ASAP.

Mom and Deb arrived and then Midwife (who was AWESOME) came in to talk to me. Once they got 20 minutes of me on the monitor they let me get in the tub. Midwife told me I could stay there until I felt pushy and shook her finger at me like someone had warned her that I wanted a water birth. lol (Truth be told I wasn't opposed to "accidentally" birthing in the tub, but the sides of it felt kind of grimy, so I decided against it.)

Deb stayed by my side pretty much the whole time. We had my music on and (I think) I started moaning through contractions. We sent Chris home to check on the kids and for a while Mom pulled a chair into the bathroom and timed contractions. The nurse came in a couple times to check the baby’s heart beat with the Doppler. Around 6:00 Midwife came in and offered to check me in the tub. I was at 6 cm! We were encouraged by this progress … although for some reason I was having the hardest time figuring out what 3 divided by 2 was. lol I was trying to see how long each of those cm took (1.5 hours, duh) but I think I was trying to divide 2 by 3 instead. :p

Mom left to get some food and help Deb's husband get to kids ready to go to the babysitter. I was hungry and wanted something filling but couldn't for the life of me figure out what. As it was I ate a belly bar that Mom had just happened to buy me the day before and drank a Vitamin water in addition to the water Deb was making sure I was getting.

About 6:10 I changed from my silver top to my red and blue one. We discovered that the silver one was see through and since the whole point of wearing a top in the first place was to get pictures appropriate for the semi-public, I changed. Both the nurse and Midwife commented on me changing and got a laugh out of the fact that it was strictly to get better pictures. Chris commented on it and when we told him why he said “Um, I don’t know if you noticed, but you have nothing on on the bottom” lol

Around 6:30 or so the nurse (reeking of cigarette smoke) came in to check the baby again. She said I had to get out of the tub to start my antibiotics. To quote Deb “Oh Hell to the NO!” I set her straight that I was not positive for GBS and told her to check my blog if she didn't believe me. lol We asked her to have Midwife come in and check me again because we were a little nervous having Mom and Chris away and we wanted to gauge how fast I was going so we would know when to call them back. She said I was 6-7 cm, WAY more anterior and 90% effaced and 0 station. Somehow she convinced me to get out of the tub and sit on the birthing ball for a little bit to help the baby get lower.

Deb told Mom and Chris to come back by 8:00. I got on the ball and they put the monitors on me (I think Midwife tricked me, she didn't say anything about monitors. :p) My contractions kinda disappeared for a few minutes so I was even generous enough to let her get a BP and temp. ;) I decided that my body was very sensitive to change because whenever I moved locations or more/new people came in I would slow down for a little bit and then once I was comfortable with the “situation” the contractions would pick back up.

I was on the ball for about 20 minutes and during that time both Mom and Chris got back. I was doing just fine between contractions, I wiggled around on the ball and ate some strawberries that Mom brought. I noticed an immediate difference once I had a contraction with Chris in the room though; I felt more self conscious doing what I needed to do (moan and bounce) and almost lost it at the peak of the contraction. He wasn't doing or saying anything, but I perceived him as being uncomfortable and it threw me off. Weird.

I jumped back in the tub as soon as they would let me and I think that’s when we started turning the jets on at every contraction (although it could have been sooner). We got back into our groove and Chris and Mom sat out in the main room and looked for baby names.

I got a new nurse at 7:00 and she was more frequent in her Doppler visits, plus she always wanted to listen during a contraction too which meant I couldn't use the jets. I slowed down EVERY TIME she came in. She was nice enough though and at least she didn't stink. The first couple of nurses that we came in contact with didn't mention anything about my birth necklace. The nurse that relieved Smoker of her duties commented on how beautiful it was and I explained to her the meaning behind it. When I was on the birth ball Midwife commented on it and so I told her about it and she said "Oh, and you give it to the midwife afterwards, right?" Then the nurse said she saw it first. lol

I just realized my sister was barefoot in the hospital. Ew! lol

At some point Nurse came in and said that Midwife was having a crazy day and had requested that I get out of the tub so she could check me on the bed (more accurate) and monitor me again. I sent Deb out ahead of me to ask (warn) Mom and Chris not to talk during contractions and to say nothing negative if the outcome of the check wasn't encouraging. I was at 8 cm with a bulging bag of water (that Midwife teased me she tried to break). Unfortunately, a contraction started while I was on my back and even though they sat me up really quick it was too late and I couldn't get on top of it. I had tears streaming down my face as a tried to gasp for air and moan. I was able to get myself composed and handled a few more contractions sitting up on the monitors before I jumped back in the tub.

Enter transition. The contractions started coming with very little break. I had Deb leave the jets on and Mom and Chris were both in the bathroom assisting. Deb reminded me to breath deeply (I had told her earlier my hands and face were getting tingly because I was doing such long moans and not breathing in long enough) and kept reassuring me that I was doing this and I was almost done. She reminded me about all the people that were with me in spirit cheering me on. :) Somebody was keeping the washcloths on my face and neck cold and they even managed to get some video. I think I opened my eyes maybe once.

I *still* was okay between contractions – when there was a between. I discussed with Deb that I didn't see how the pressure could possibly get *any* worse and that we might as well let Midwife check me again and break my water because that might even relieve some of the pressure. I thought “she’ll break my water, I’ll be ready to push and pushing will feel good” little did I know.

We sent Chris out with the message that I wanted the squat bar set up on the bed. I believe I said “I don’t want any dicking around once I get out.” lol I was terrified to get out of the tub and Deb was reassuring me that I was doing great and Chris said “the tub didn't do this, YOU did.” ♥ When all systems were go (Midwife in the room and the bed set up) I got out and Deb and Midwife helped me over to the bed. I asked for oxygen, said something about “don’t you dare put those monitors on me”, had a contraction and then leaned back for her to check me.

1:01pm - 9 cm, 100% effaced, 0 station, still had a bulging bag of water. I sat up and asked her if she broke it and she said no. When I asked her why she said she didn't want me to hit her. lol Apparently we failed to give her the message that it was okay. Chris was funny, “can she break it, can she break it?” So I had another contraction and then leaned back again for her to break it. She told me that once it broke we were going to have a baby. I talked to her about wanting to catch the baby and she told me she would tell me when the shoulders were out and I would pull him up. I asked her if I could just do it all and she tried to tell me that it wasn't really possible, but she agreed we could “play it by ear”. Apparently she knows what she is talking about. :p

At 1:10 we all made our final weight guesses – Midwife and Deb said 8’8, Mom said 8’2, Chris said 7’8 and I (thinking he was 2 weeks early and surely wouldn't be bigger than #2 or #3) said between 7’8 and 7’14.

At 1:12 I started pushing. Remember how I said the pain couldn't possibly get any worse? What. Was. I. THINKING?? I tried to moan and breathe deeply, but I just wanted to escape from my body. I was trying to push with contractions but that didn't provide any relief. I had Mom on my right and Chris on my left supporting me and giving me the oxygen. Deb was the official photographer. ;) I tried squatting and standing and ended up with my knees up to my ears. Reminiscent of the typical “flat on your back with your legs in stirrups” position except I was sitting all the way up.

In between contractions 12 minutes into pushing I scolded Midwife for breaking my water. :p She got ready at 1:32 (when they say I officially started pushing) and she checked me again at 1:35 and said I had a small lip. She then proceeded to hold it out of the way while I pushed. Holy Crap. That hurt. I tried so hard to do low moans while I was pushing but they kept turning into screams and yells at her to get her fingers out. I thought to myself “I’m that girl in the next room that’s freaking out all the other moms." But nobody told me shut up. I yelled out that my butt was ripping in half because even though I could see in the mirror that I was still one piece, I *knew* it was really ripped. Surely I was ripped all the way through! I knew it. Midwife assured me I wasn't but I’m not sure I believed her. I panicked that after all this I wouldn't be able to get him out and I would end up with a C-section. Pushing the right way hurt like hell and damn that midwife that wouldn't take her fingers out of me! Even after his head got past the cervix she put them in so I would push at the right spot. Never once did I think that an epidural would help me. She told me that it hurt her fingers too and I told her I didn't care. lol Between contractions I would lay back and suck in the oxygen that Chris was holding for me like it was a drug. I actually FELL ASLEEP in between one set of contractions. Granted it was only for a split second.

So I pussshhed. And I yelled at the baby to get OUT! And finally, FINALLY, his head was out. Deb had to remind me to open my eyes and look at my baby. And then I saw Midwife turning him and pulling and I still had to push and it still hurt like an SOB, but somewhere in the back of my head it occurred to me that he might be a little stuck and that I needed to give it my all and get him out. So I did. And I was finally able to reach down and pull him up onto me. Official birth time is 1:54pm. I think I was in a little shock for a minute. Once I caught my breath I was able to really look at him and feel his warm little body up against me. I rubbed him and talked to him and he let out a few wails as if asking what the heck just happened. And we confirmed that “It” really is a boy. Turns out he had his right arm up by his face and Midwife had to really work to get him out.

But I had this baby, this adorable little baby that at first glance reminded me of DS2, but on second and third, etc glances just looked like his own little self. Either the nurse was afraid of me ;) or respectful of my wishes, but there was no rough handling or suctioning of the baby. I’m not even sure she touched him after she put a blanket on him. She wanted to look at him because his breathing sounded a little wet but she was fine with checking him over while he was in my arms. Even though just minutes before I was hot and getting patted down with cold washcloths I was now shivering and having hot blankets piled on me.

Since I've always had an epidural I've never really felt the gushing that comes after the baby. It seemed to me that I was bleeding a lot, but Midwife said it was normal. She did say that the placenta was separating and she wanted to cut the cord sooner rather than wait. It was still pulsing (which was cool to feel) but I was okay with them cutting it (it had been three minutes which is better than the 30 seconds DS3 got) so she clamped it and Chris cut it. It was a really thick cord, even Midwife commented that it was nice and thick and we joked that it was a FunDip cord.

I was still cramping and Midwife asked me to push a little and pretty soon the placenta plopped out. That was a really weird sensation. And it turns out that I didn't tear from head to toe like I thought.  I had a first degree tear that required 4 stitches and I tried to get out of it because I didn't want her injecting me with the Lidocaine.  Of course, she strongly recommended the stitches so I just grabbed on to Mom’s arm as she poked me 4 times to get me numb. They didn't even give me the routine shot of Pitocin.

I eventually gave in to peer pressure and let him get weighed as long as they promised to give him right back. And I even agreed to foot prints. :p I was SHOCKED that he was 9 pounds 2 ounces, no WONDER that hurt! I “allowed” Chris to hold him and since he had pooped all over me I found myself agreeing to let them bathe him even though I had originally wanted to do it.

Deb and Mom got a turn to hold the baby and then the nurse came in to give him his bath. They stayed for his bath so that Deb could take pictures and then they went home exhausted. They kept the baby under the warmer for a while and asked if they could do a glucose stick because of his size. I consented to that and since he had some bruising on his face and arm from his hand being up by his face when he was born I consented to the vitamin K. They didn't give me any trouble over declining the eye goop though. APGARs were 8 and 9.

My other birth stories can be read here (DS1), here (DS2)here (DS3), and here (DS5)